One team—from kickoff to opening.
When it comes to leasing an office, there’s a lot to consider. Beyond budgets and timelines, you’ll need to hire the right professionals for the job. But when every contact brings their own contract, it can be difficult to manage the process on your own.
We created Artisan Powered to help. Now, everyone you need for your space is in one place. So finding, designing, and building your office is easier, less expensive, and more efficient.

Average Process Timeline:

Designed to save you time.
12-month average project timeline
One single point of contact
A dedicated team from kickoff to opening
One project agreement, one time
A user-friendly project portal
Built to bolster your budget.
Up to 30% less than the industry average
Brokers focused on your requirements, not their commissions
Designers and Project Managers involved from day one
In-house furniture team to eliminate excessive mark-ups

We’re a diverse, talented team—ready to inspire.
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A chance to shape the community.
Our Artisan Mentored program gives local talent with limited resources a chance to work, learn, and grow with us.
View Artisan Mentored ⟶